I'm amazed how something as small and simple as a little handmade owl can cause such an impact in people's lives and bring such joy to a variety of people from different age groups and backgrounds. I love hearing stories and seeing pictures from customers who commission handmade, custom tailored owls from me! The back stories inspire me with design and personality for the owls. The reviews and personal testimonies I get from my faithful customers bring me such joy!
Here are just a few of those owl lovers' comments and pics:

"Danielle Super, just want you to know how talented you are! You have a sweet countenance and kindness and it shows in your art. God has truly gifted you."
*image of a faithful customer's owl collection

"She's awesome! Just like her creator!"
*referring to this little owl named "Owlivia"

"When we were young, Mom would decorate the house. Dad would put up lights and we had a tree. Always beautifully done. On the mantle mom had ceramic letters and it would spell Noel. Dad, would sneak and take those letters and spell Leon. We would hear Mom say "Kenneth!" We would all laugh as she put the letters back the right way. It's one of those fond memories that to this day still makes me laugh! Well I had Danielle Super make me two owls...Leon and Noel! So may I introduce you to Leon and Noel!!"

"That price is a steal, they are so well-made!!!"
"...this was the day they got the Bill & Bette owls!!!" -Sandy
(*pictured is Grandpa Bill and Grandma Bette)

"Today I received a lovely gift made by my dear dear friend! So excited to have my "Erika" owl! Thank you Danielle!" -Erika

"Your owls are so cute. Clover is meaningful to me...I love Clover! Clover, is the perfect lucky owl doll for me! Very cute and the lovelock fabric print is meaningful to me." -Julie
*referring to this little owl named "Clover"